Your Journeys from Fearsome Foes

“[The Nadarlich] started out as a backstory NPC of one of my players. The player rolled crazy high stats, wanted to play essentially a ninja turtle and had no intention of writing a backstory except "I dunno, I woke up at the swamp one day".

So of course I narratively made him a biological weapon grown by the nadarlich that was meant to destroy civilization but somehow got out of the tube before being fully formed (he was supposed to eventually become a Tarrasque).

But the thing was that the nadarlich wasnt completely bonkers, because it turned out that inside the core of the planet slumbered ancient kaiju-sized bugs that would rip the world apart if they ever woke up. [To keep them asleep] the nadarlich needed a nuclear option to silence everyone forever.

Cue a campaign of trying so resolve all that bull**** and not explode the planet in the process, with a huge spoonful of family drama because the nadarlich was kinda one PC's "dad", another PC's warlock patron and a killer of yet another PC's sibling. It was grand, they ended up actually in alliance by the end, helping the nadarlich achieve godhood and put the bugs to sleep permanently.

It was suprisingly emotional as well since despite his extreme methods this nadarlich was extremely selfless and he grew on the party. I remember his last words to the turtle player as if it was yesterday: "Do not weep child. I was always of the earth and into the earth I am returning, but I am not leaving you again. Speak into the wind and as long as a single flower blooms, I will be there to listen.”

— Spookypablito

Have an adventure or memorable encounter with the world of Fearsome Foes? Send you submission to with the subject “Fearsome Fable” for the chance to have it shared here!